

Based on your observations (interface, interactivity, information etc) towards your selected video conferencing application, list down at minimum of  FIVE(5)  advantages   and  FIVE(5)  disadvantages  of the software.  Video Conference that i had choose is Cisco Webex  Advantages : Easy To used and understand the interface. Easy to connect via web app or standalone app Easy implementation interactivity Easy to start the meeting  Powerful admin interface because can control almost every aspect of the user meeting experience Disadvantages: Sometime complex configuration The status bar have to upgrade for more modern looking Have some information that we need difficult to get and understand. Need more and enough connection to login Sometime need dial in manually attendees because the call features does not work.

Video Conference System Sketching Ideas

This is my task for lab 10 for subject Human Computer Interaction. For this task, i have to choose one video conference that i want. So, i decided to choose the Cisco Webex because of i used that for online classes. My sketching maybe not very good, but i hope the viewer will understand. Hihi 😄

Type of Requirement

Refer to my old post about 5  5  video conferencing system  requirements, i will define the type of each requirement. Requirement live session have a comment box and an emoji for like and others , easy to share with talking to people when it live. :  Functional Requirement  Interface allow user to show picture or file that user want to show at the video conference. : Environment or context of use (Social) Requirement  Allow interface sign up for google or facebook  account and also user can be notified easily : Functional Requirement Allow user to do simple editing like crop, brightness and colour effect. : Functional Requirement Allow user to used the interface to interact with people by using send button. :  Functional Requirement

What do I understand about user persona so far?

USER P ERSONA is a simple introduction for make audience know the user. It's also  will help you to understand what users  needs, experiences, behaviours and goals.

Feature / Function /Requirements in The Video Conferencing Software Based on User Persona

  Personality / experiences/ behaviours / goals   Needs   Requirements  Makcik Kiah know how to use Facebook application Live session Requirement live session have a comment box and an emoji for like and others , easy to share with talking to people when it live.  Makcik Kiah know how to promotes her cake  Share content  Interface allow user to show picture or file that user want to show at the video conference.  Makcik Kiah fast learning when use the mobile technology.  Easy to sign in on app  Allow interface sign up for google or facebook  account and also user can be notified easily  Makcik Kiah know how to edit picture at the application for promotion.  Easy access for a simple editing  Allow user to do simple editing like crop, brightness and colour effect.  Makcik Kiah know how to reply personal message and co...


Name:  Makcik Kiah       Age: 45  Years old  Interest:  Like to bake a cheese and chocolate cakes. Occupation:  Bussiness woman. Has own bakery shop. Goals & Frustrations when using Technology : Just know how to use the whatsapp and facebook application for receive order and promote it . Favourite Brands/Products : BlueKey(Flour's Brand) , Adela(Butter's Brand), Royal(Baking's Powder Brand). Computer/mobile technology they use : Mobile Technology because easy to used and to understand the flow of it usage. Attitude towards learning : Because Makcik Kiah want to expand her bakery shop and to open up many branch at another state in Malaysia. The challenges for Makcik Kiah is how to promoted her bakery shop.

Pihak berkepentingan yang terlibat dalam penggunakan "Automated- Checkout System" di pasar raya

Seperti yang kita semua tahu, sekarang satu dunia telah dilanda wabak "COVID-19". Hal ini menyebabkan ramai pihak terpaksa akur dengan menukar rutin/ cara hidup bagi mengelakkan diri daripada terkena jangkitan wabak tersebut. Salah satunya , setiap orang disarankan supaya menjaga jarak sosial antara satu sama lain.             Terdapat beberapa pasar raya besar yang telah menggunakan kaedah "Automated- Checkout System" atau dalam bahasa melayunya dipanggil "Sistem Daftar Keluar Automatik". Ini bertujuan bagi meminimakan penyebaran virus tersebut.  Siapakah pihak yang berkepentingan yang terlibat dalam sistem ini ? Bagaimana mereka berinteraksi dengan sistem tersebut ? 1) Pemilik Pasar Raya  Mencari atau mengupah pembekal untuk menyediakan sistem yang efektif untuk pengguna. Sistem yang disediakan perlulah menjalankan kerja dengan baik seperti menjalankan tugas pengiraan duit yang betul supaya tidak berlaku kerugian pada bisnes serta ber...